Working with Ecto
From ElixirBlocks
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Update all tables that contain a field with a chosen value
def reset_testbeds do items = from t in TestBed, where: t.status == "Taken" Repo.update_all(items, set: [status: "Available", developer: "None"]) |> broadcast_change([:testbed, :reset]) end
IEX Commands (with example data)
Working with ECTO in IEX can be confusing. These examples below are performed with a table named Testbeds created using the Phoenix Generator. The functions references are in app/testbeds.ex where app is the name of your application and testbeds.ex is the name of your table.
Make sure you are aware of camel casing.
Get All
App.Testbeds.Testbed |> App.Repo.all
%App.Testbeds.Testbed{name: "some-item-name"} |> App.Repo.insert