Welcome to ElixirBlocks
Phoenix and Elixir Programming Wiki
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All documents are written in a wiki style format.
This is my personal web project where I document blocks of Elixir and Phoenix code that I find useful.
I try to be as direct and minimalistic in my examples as possible.
Although Elixir is a functional language, the process of learning (and much of the community conduct) has felt like a mix between trying to decipher clinical API docs and mulling through an over complicated jumble of unspoken assumptions. The goal of Elixir Blocks is to be a repository of learning material that is more in line with the functional thought process - Simple, small, contextualized, explicit and useful Elixir blocks.
This entire site is a work in progress. Many articles are either partially completed or set as placeholders intended for future development.
To contribute follow these guidelines:
1. Write small, fully working code examples. Ideally, the reader should be able to copy and paste the code and have it working quickly. For larger code examples, explicitly break them up into smaller examples so that each block is easily validated.
2. Set assumptions before writing your code. If your code requires prerequisite knowledge, be explicit and inform the reader.
3. Provide context for your code so that the reader understands its usefulness.
To write code you encapsulate it in the source element. Click the Edit button to see the syntax of the code example below.
def hello_world() do "hello world" end