Elixir Pattern Matching Tutorial

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Revision as of 02:26, 2 September 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " '''Use Pattern Matching as a Replacement for Conditional Statements''' In most programming languages conditional if/else statements are used to program branched actions in a program. In Elixir, it is considered "idiomatic" to use pattern patching in place of conditional statements. If you are learning Elixir after learning another programming language, you may be tempted to use if/else conditional statements. In Elixir, resist this temptation and instead default to...")
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Use Pattern Matching as a Replacement for Conditional Statements

In most programming languages conditional if/else statements are used to program branched actions in a program. In Elixir, it is considered "idiomatic" to use pattern patching in place of conditional statements.

If you are learning Elixir after learning another programming language, you may be tempted to use if/else conditional statements. In Elixir, resist this temptation and instead default to using pattern matching.

The most comprehensive tutorial I've found on the topic is here:
