Elixir Todo List Exercise
From ElixirBlocks
defmodule TodoList do defstruct todos: [] def start do loop(%TodoList{}) end def loop(state) do IO.puts("Todo List:") IO.inspect state.todos IO.puts("\nOptions:") IO.puts("1. Add Todo") IO.puts("2. Mark Todo as Done") IO.puts("3. Exit") case IO.gets("Select an option: ") |> String.trim() |> String.to_integer() do 1 -> todo = IO.gets("Enter Todo: ") |> String.trim() new_state = add_todo(state, todo) IO.inspect new_state loop(new_state) 2 -> index = IO.gets("Enter index of Todo to mark as done: ") |> String.trim() |> String.to_integer() new_state = mark_todo_as_done(state, index) loop(new_state) 3 -> IO.puts("Goodbye!") :ok _ -> IO.puts("Invalid option. Please try again.") loop(state) end end defp add_todo(state, todo) do %TodoList{state | todos: state.todos ++ [todo]} end defp mark_todo_as_done(state, index) do # fix end end