Understanding Forms and Changesets

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In this tutorial you create a database table named Item and its Ecto "Context" data. You learn how changesets work by writing controllers, template and forms.

To begin, create a new empty Phoenix app named app.

When complete, run this command to create database tables and Ecto context code.

mix phx.gen.context Items Item items name:string

Seed Data

In the file named app/priv/repo/seeds.ex type the following code to create "dummy data" for this exercise.

App.Items.create_item(%{name: "item-1"})
App.Items.create_item(%{name: "item-2"})
App.Items.create_item(%{name: "item-3"})

In the terminal type:

mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs


In routes, add the the following routes.

post "/items", ItemController, :create
get "/items", ItemController, :index

In app/lib/app_web/controllers create a file controller named:


In the same directory create a