Understanding Forms and Changesets
From ElixirBlocks
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This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of Elixir and that you have explored Phoenix. It also assumes that you understand HTML forms.
The methodology of this tutorial includes converting a conventional HTML form into a Phoenix template that uses Elixir to communicate with back end code. You also learn how changesets integrate with controllers.
Getting Started
To begin, create a new empty Phoenix app named app. If you do not know how to do that follow this tutorial:
How to Create an Empty Phoenix Application
Creating an HTML Form and Post Request
In the router create these two routes:
scope "/", AppWeb do pipe_through :browser get "/", PageController, :index # First route post "/create", PageController, :new # Second route end
Create this controller code in a file named page_controller.ex. Place the file in the controller directory.
defmodule AppWeb.PageController do use AppWeb, :controller def index(conn, params) do IO.inspect params csrf_token = Plug.CSRFProtection.get_csrf_token() render(conn, :index, data: "Hello World",form: %{},csrf_token: csrf_token) end def new(conn, params) do IO.inspect params redirect(conn, to: "/") end end