Working with Ecto

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Working with ECTO in IEX can be confusing. These examples below are performed with a table named Testbeds created using the Phoenix Generator. The functions references are in app/testbeds.ex where app is the name of your application and testbeds.ex is the name of your table.

Make sure you are aware of camel casing.

IEX Commands (with example data)

Get All

App.Testbeds.Testbed |> App.Repo.all


%App.Testbeds.Testbed{name: "some-item-name"} |> App.Repo.insert

Update all tables that contain a field with a chosen value

   def reset_testbeds do
    items = from t in Testbed, where: t.status == "Taken"
    Repo.update_all(items, set: [status: "Available", developer: "None"])
    |> broadcast_change([:testbed, :reset])
