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You will see the phrase "Items go here" in the upper left corner of the screen.
You will see the phrase "Items go here" in the upper left corner of the screen.
== Passing Data Through a Basic Form to a Controller==
You are now going to write code that lets you submit data through a form and inspect that data from within a controller.

Revision as of 14:04, 13 October 2023

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This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of Elixir and that you have explored Phoenix. It also assumes that you understand HTML forms.

The methodology of this tutorial includes converting a conventional HTML form into a Phoenix template that uses Elixir to communicate with back end code. You also learn how changesets integrate with controllers.

The setup for the tutorial requires the creation of a database table named Item and its Ecto "Context" data. We walk through the entire process.

To begin, create a new empty Phoenix app named app. If you do not know how to do that follow this tutorial:

How to Create an Empty Phoenix Application

When complete, run this command to create database tables and Ecto context code.

mix phx.gen.context Items Item items name:string

Run the migrate command

mix ecto.migrate

Seed Data

In the file named app/priv/repo/seeds.ex type the following code to create "dummy data" for this exercise.

App.Items.create_item(%{name: "item-1"})
App.Items.create_item(%{name: "item-2"})
App.Items.create_item(%{name: "item-3"})

In the terminal type:

mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs


In routes, add the the following routes.

post "/items", ItemController, :create
get "/items", ItemController, :index


In app/lib/app_web/controllers create a file controller named:


Copy the following code into it.

defmodule AppWeb.ItemController do
  use AppWeb, :controller

  def index(conn, _params) do
    # The home page is often custom made,
    # so skip the default app layout.
    render(conn, :index, layout: false)


In the same directory create a file named:


Open the file and type the following code:

defmodule AppWeb.ItemHTML do
  use AppWeb, :html

  embed_templates "item_html/*"

Create a folder named index_html in the same directory like this:


In index_html create a file named index.html.heex and copy type the following code into it.

<div> Items go here</div>

Start the app and make sure everything works.

mix phx.server

In your browser go to:


You will see the phrase "Items go here" in the upper left corner of the screen.

Passing Data Through a Basic Form to a Controller

You are now going to write code that lets you submit data through a form and inspect that data from within a controller.

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